Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Law of Attraction: CONTROL VS CREATING Which Do You Do?

An interesting topic if ever we did hear one.  Let us first acknowledge that we are all creator being, whether or not we realize, accept or believe this we are just that.  We create all that we experience in our physical experience each and every second we are alive on this earth. 
You don’t have to believe it, you don’t have to understand it, you don’t even have to be aware of it in any form.  Being in the latter part of that thought puts you square in the center of where you really do not want to be, but we will get to that.
You see, when you have an understanding that we are a creator being, that we do create all that we experience within this life, we are square in the center of where you exactly want to be within this life.  But this too we will get too.  We just want you to begin to see first of all that there is a difference between believing that we are creator beings and that being a being where life just “happens to us”, where we have no creative power but rather are here living what is dealt to us.  Begin to “feel” the difference between the two statements, really, say them each within your mind’s eye: “I AM A CREATOR BEING” and “I LIVE THE LIFE I AM DEALT”.  Which “FEELS” better to you?  Secondly we want you to begin to understand that while there are different feels to the last stated statements, in order to truly and appropriately “FEEL” either of them you must first take the time to get to know, understand and have a belief in who you truly are as in individual being within this physical plane we all share.  You need to become “United In Acceptance” with who you “REALLY ARE” as that being.  By that we mean you need to fully understand that you are one part physical – that which you see in the mirror and you are  one part non-physical – that which you feel when you close your eyes and experience yourself without benefit of your sight.  Once you have an understanding that we have two parts your next step is to “feel each part as the two aspects that make up the whole you”.  Once you have done this and you see no separation but rather experience the whole and complete you and really feel it, you are now what we call “United In Acceptance”.  You are at this stage, well on your way to not just knowing who you truly are as a being but feeling the true you and living life from that stance.  You can say that you are “feeling” your way through life rather than “thinking” your way through life and yes there is a difference.  This is where we can now begin our full discussion of our topic – CONTROL VS CREATING.  You may want to go back and reread the beginning of this discussion to get a better and full understanding of what we are speaking about, as the clearer your thought is on this topic the better you will understand what we are saying with regards to this topic.
Let us go back to the beginning now.  Control VS Create.  When you have the above stated understating of self you can really begin to understand the difference between control and create.  You begin to not only see but feel that when you control you experience struggle, turmoil and find yourself well within contrast almost each step of the way.  While the opposite is true for creating.  You now begin to feel an effortlessness when you think about your life and your life’s experiences.  You begin to feel that all your dreams and desires are within your reach, no matter how far away they may actually be, you have a knowing that you will experience each of them, there is a belief there that they will all come to you.  This is due to the fact that you are fully in touch with who you are as a whole and complete being and you fully have the awareness of your true heartfelt desires, your dreams and your aspirations.  You know you will experience them and that is just the way it is!  We are certain the you are really beginning to see and understand the difference between control and create.  We are certain that you are feeling the difference between these two aspects of our daily life. 
So we now beg the question, which do you feel is the real you doing at your present moment within your life?  Which feels more real to you?  Which seems to be ringing more true to you?  Are you controlling life or are you creating life?  Give it some serious and deep thought as this is the only way you are going to be able to get centered on your path of life. 
We will go further into breaking each one down for you to assist you with a fuller more richer understanding of each, helping you bring forth the real you so you too can live your life full of desires rather than thru contrast to get you to feel desire.
When you are controlling life, you have an over whelming feeling that life is just not fair.  That you have been dealt a bad hand and just have to deal with you.  You pretty much walk through life with a chip on your shoulder and can be heard mumbling things like, life isn’t fair…..I can’t catch a break to save my own life…….why wish for something, it will never happen for me…….my life sucks…….good things only happen to others, not me…….I have no luck at all.  We could go on forever with such statements.  Each time you find yourself saying something like those statements, you are actually sending yourself a message, but are just not hearing it.  You are telling yourself to stop trying to control life, stop trying to micro manage life.  Let go of your controlling ways.  Take a quick minute to figure out why you are feeling so miserable.  You are experiencing the “Language of Self”.  Yes, you are talking to yourself!  Your higher self (the non physical aspect of self) is sending you messages, trying to get you to hear them so you can begin to live life from a new perspective, live life as it was meant to be lived.  Each time you try and “CONTROL” your life, you are in essence giving up control.  Each time you try and “CONTROL” your life you are stifling your own true self, you are shutting down the real you.  Why you ask?  There are many reasons…..fear, guilt, worry, no belief in oneself…..this list could go on and on.  It really boils down to not knowing who you are as we discussed earlier in this discussion.  We control when we have a lack of faith in who we are as beings, when we have little to no understanding or belief that we truly do have the ability to create that which we want to experience.  And sometimes, we do get to experience it, but because we have controlled every aspect of that which we want to experience, we did not see it as we saw it in our minds eye and were so separated from who we truly are that the feeling of the experience was completely lost and could never have been felt, therefore we feel that life once again has let us down!  We are certain that you are now beginning to bask in the full understanding of “CONTROLING LIFE” and really are beginning to feel yourself with a renewed perspective at this point!  Thing about this aspect of life, this aspect of your life before you read any further.  Feel yourself and where you are with relation to trying to control your life!
Now let’s examine the creating aspect life.  We are creator beings.  Once you have a basic understanding of that aspect of life, you have a basic understanding of how to live your life.  From the standpoint of the real you!  Bring forth the real you into this physical reality with a strong deliberate determination and you will have the ability to feel your way through life bringing into your level of experience all that you desire to experience.  You have the understanding that you do not need to control anything as you have a level of knowing belief that you will experience that which you desire as all you have to do is create it.  You begin this process by fully knowing and understanding that which your desires are that you want to experience, that you want to feel!  And feel is appropriate as that is what we are all after regardless of what it is we are trying to manifest……car, house, relationship, wealth…….makes no difference as we are all trying to achieve the same thing, a feeling that is associated with any desire you have, makes no difference what the desire is.  When you fully understand the creating process, you have an awareness of just that, you are going after the feeling not the “thing”.  When you understand that, you don’t need to get lost in trying to control the manifesting aspect as you already have that underlying feeling that it will come to pass, you will achieve that feeling from the manifestation.  You see, when you give up control you actually get more control over what really matters in life, the real you!  When you create, you visualize that which you desire and want to manifest.  You identify the “feeling” aspect of your desire, your future manifestation and that is what you focus on throughout the entire process, the feeling of that desire.  In doing so, you have just allowed yourself to align yourself with the Law of Attraction, you have just set yourself up to allow each and every step needed for you to take to become well within your awareness, therefore fully seeing and feeling each step and taking them without reservation and coming one step closer (and feeling it with certainty) to bringing into your physical reality that which you want to experience.  Further your level of contrast will be slight, on a level of preference, much easier to deal with than full blown contrast.  You don’t require the full blown contrast (contrast being a desire indicator) as you are fully in touch with that which you desire!  Amazing how the process works now isn’t it, when you have a full understanding of the process and begin to feel your way through it!  We are certain you have an awareness unlike ever before!
To learn more, be sure and join Mary Anne Cipressy and David Trippany this Friday on Blog Talk Radio as they dialog on this topic.  Join them at at 1PM eastern time.  Sit back and enjoy the dialog or feel free to join in either in the chat room or by phoning into the show!  You can also learn more by visiting the ITSC web site by going to:  While there, be sure and click on the “Resources Tab” to get your free tools today to help you better create your tomorrow.  If you have questions, comments or ever a show idea, please feel free to email us at:  We look forward to all your emails, and have enjoyed all that we have received to date!  Keep them coming as we love hearing from all of you!!!
This is the start of a new series for us with regards to the Law of Attraction – “The Law of Attraction - Control VS Create”.   Each week we will dialog deeper into this topic helping everyone understand the entire process, therefore better assisting them with creating that which they desire! 
Until next time, may you all continue to experience all that you desire!

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